Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Verse of the Day: "For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love. Psalm 33:4-5 NIV "

Things that are awesome:  Despite its rather dubious title, I am really loving this show! Basically a long mystery story about 4 teenage girls whose best friend went missing the year before.. and them trying to get to the bottom of what REALLY happened. Interesting characters AND an interesting psychological look at popularity, and how its more than its cracked up to be.

Random thought of the day: As a long-time cashier and recreational observer of the human race, I can't help but notice peoples inane need to make a comment EVERY time they come through my line when there's no one else waiting. They always say something like "you look bored" (gee thanks- actually that's just the way my face is) or "I'll give you something to do" (yeah- cause bagging grocceries is SUCH an improvement over staring into the abyss), as if they feel the need to justify requiring me to do what I"m being paid hourly to do.  You buy grocceries, I fake smile and bag them. We each have our roles to play. Don't stress it.

In my head... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF2xm9EE4cE

House Quote of the day:
                                      House: "And you- stay away from the patient."
                                      Cameron: "What'd I do??"
                                      House: "Oh you'll just get all warm and cuddly around the dying girl.. .
                                                    Insinuating yourself... And then a custody battle will ensue..."

Psych fact of the day: neurotransmitter= chemical messengers that nerve cells send to one another. Responsible for all sorts of bodily functions; sleep, appetite, fear, learning, mood etc.

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