Thursday, February 7, 2013

Verse of the Day:"Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked." Psalm 97:10 NIV

Random thought of the day: I LOVE writing poetry.  I started writing it in 8th grade (some of those are pretty embarrasing) and have been sort of off and on ever since.  Especially in the past few years, while I have been trying to figure out the next steps in my life, and trying to recover from some pretty serious depression, nothing feels quite so good as being able to put words on paper and create something beautiful. I find music particularly inspiring to my writing- often poems that I write are written as I am listening to something, and I wish that there was a way to have the few people I allow to read them be able to hear what I was listening to at the time, as it creates some of the shape and rhythm to the work.  I always struggle with whether or not to share my poems with the world, because a lot of them are personal... I guess I get the most satisfaction out of just writing for myself. Who knows, maybe I'll end up a lesser version of Emily Dickenson, and people will unearth them all afer I'm gone someday...

In my head...

MLS: "Today, after months of looing forward to my new fencing lessons and speculating endlessly about the people who might be in my class, I went ot my first lesson. I was the only one who showed up. MLS."

House Quote of the Day:
                                    House: "Well, you've certainly given me a lot to think about. If only I was as
                                                   open as you."
                                    Cuddy: "Wear the sky blue shirt. It almost makes you look nice."

Truth or Myth?: "A woman became stuck to her toilet seat after not leaving her bathroom for 2 years." (Yesterday's answer: Myth. Research shows moths will fly toward a bright light but will generally avoid contact, preferring to circulate about a foot away (depending on species).")

Far Side of the Day:

Psych Fact of the day: Phobia=persistently intense and unrealistic fear that causes such distress or so significantly impairs function that it counts as a mental illness.

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