Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Verse of the Day: "God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We’re Christ’s representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God’s work of making things right between them. We’re speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with God; he’s already a friend with you.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 MSG"

Things that are awesome: ... NOT drinking on New Years Eve.  Although I've definetly partied in previous years, this year I decided to stay home and lay low.  I enjoyed the evening immensely, got a good nights sleep, and woke up WITHOUT a hangover the next day. Yay!!

Book Review: ... About a 7/10 on the awesome scale.  The beginning of the book was fascinating, but the last 1oo pages or so got bogged down in legal detail that I ended up skimming through.  Basically, the story of a women who opened an anorexia treatment facility in Canada, claiming to offer a "miracle cure" for patients who had tried the traditional hopsital treatment model.  This Montreux Clinic became internationally famous in the media; news programs, and even Oprah lauded it several different times. However, after awhile secrets came out about the REAL goings on at the clinic (force-feeding patients, preventing patients from leaving, untrained staff, etc...) that lead to it's being closed down.  A fascinating picture of how the media can be dangerous when uninformed, and how things are not always as they seem.  Anyone interested in psychology or health care would find this book (at least the first part) fascinating.
House Quote of the day: 
                                       Wilson: (After House walks up and snatches his chips) "Is there some kind of
                                                     light that goes on every time I have food?"
                                        House: "Green for food, orange for beverages."

Far Side of the Day:

MLS of the Day: "Today, I had to fire and employee because she constantly calls in or is late to work. She became very emotional and I felt kind of bad, so I walked her out myself. We then got stuck in the company elevator. MLS"

Truth or Myth: Yesterday's (Monkey tools topic) answer: True.

Psych fact of the day: Forensic psychologist= mental health expert responsible for determining if defendants qualify for the insanity plea in criminal cases.

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