Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Verse of the Day: "Then Jesus turned to the Jews who had claimed to believe in him. “If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure. Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you.”” John 8:31-32 MSG

Things that are awesome: .. Water. As obvious as this one sounds, I've really come to appreciate it in the past year or so. I used to drink mostly pop, but I was getting lots of headaches so I bought a water bottle and now I drink water throughout the day. Since switching over, I"ve had less headaches, AND I've gotten sick less.  I've only missed work once in the past year due to illness. Hydration rocks!

House Quote of the Day: ".. Or we could just small talk. Are you still dating that nurse in pedes?  I just don't think she's right for you. You need someone cold, detached, calculating... You need you in a skirt." (House, to Foreman)

Truth or Myth?: "A woman was pregnant for 46 years."
                           (Yesterday's answer: True. Our pledge style was changed during WWII.)

ScaryFAct of the Day:  "If you swim in ocean areas known to contain sharks, avoid wearing yellow or orange. Sharks have very good eyesight and find these colors particularly irritating."

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