Sunday, October 7, 2012


Verse of the Day: "But throughout the history of these kingdoms, the God of heaven will be building a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will this kingdom fall under the dominion of any other...and come through it all standing strong and eternal" (Daniel 2:44)

Book Review:  ... My best friend Alyssa sent me this one. Basically its the story of two friends who grew up together, and what happens as they grow up and have familys of their own.  In the story one of the friends has a daughter who tries to commit suicide, and her life and friendships are tested as she tries to understand what made her daughter so unhappy... A pretty fast read, as it switches between the perspectives of the two friends and the daughter.  Definetly more of a girl-book. :) I'd give it a 7 out of 10 on my book-awesomeness scale.

Things that are awesome:  ... Teaching elementary kid Sunday School.  After quitting worship team, I started to feel a little passive in my faith after a few weeks of just showing up and sitting there.  I decided to volunteer as a assistant in my dad's 3rd-5th grad class, and man is it a blast!  I love how excited and open kids are to learning about God- its so fun to see them learn things about the Bible for the first time, and ask cool questions.  PLUS I get the sweet gig of being the treat-passer-outer, so basically everyone loves me. :)  Yay!

Far Side of the Day:

Urban Dictionary Word of the Day: Bull-shit Bingo=A game that can be played in large meetings. The players write down management-nonsense word like "Out-of-the-box-thinking", "Synergy", "Content streamlining" etc. in a 5 by 5 square bingo card.
If a word or phrase is used during the meeting you check the box. When you get a five box line (horizontally, vertically or diagonally ) you shout "BULLSHIT!" and win.

Psych Fact of the Day: When given two possible answers, if children do not know, they will go with the first option the majority of the time.  In order to varify the accuracy of information you get from them (e.g. did your dad hit you? Or Didn't he?) you have to ask the question two times, presenting the options in a different order each time.

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