Monday, October 29, 2012

*Greetings BlogFans!  The last couple days were super busy, plus I didn't have internet access, hence the non-posting... Did ya miss me :) I'm back from Chicago now though, and ready to start up again- yay!

Verse of the Day: Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1 NIV

Things that are awesome: *Meeting up with friends you haven't seen in FOREVER.  While I was in Chicago this weekend, I got to see my best friend from Northwestern, Susan, and it just was just like old times.  Stupid life, making us live in two different cities after college.. Grr.

*Chicago Gourment Apples: So.. The Rocky Mt. Choc Factory in Chicago has these AWESOME toffee covered caramel apples.  A little taste of heaven... seriously.  The stupid Minnesota stores only carry toffee AND nut ones, so I had to go all the way to Chicago to get the pure-toffee kind.  It was definetly worth the trip. :)

*Daily Play: I"m gonna be (500 Miles)

*Far Side of the Day:

*House Quote of the Day:  "You can't STOP our love!!!" (House, to Cuddy)

*Urban Dictionary Word of the Day: Check your Totem=A reference from the Christopher Nolan movie Inception that suggests that a person should examine their totem (small personal object) in order to determine whether they are in reality or in delusional dreamland.

*Psych Fact of the Day: Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces, or places from which it would be difficult to escape.  People with this disorder often view their home as the only "safe" place and are unable to leave it.

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