Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Verse of the Day: “In your anger do not sin” : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry" (Ephesians 4:26)

Book Review:  Another one of Alyssa's book's; this one was a 10/10 on the awesome scale!!  Basically its about a woman who's autistic son grows violent and ends up in an psychiatric ward, only to then be accused of murdering one of the other patients.  The story follows the mom's desperate attempt to clear her son from blame, and ends in a way that even I (a mystery officianato) would never have expected. Check it out!!

Things that are awesome: Other songify me video's. This one is based on a girl's e-harmony profile and is hilarious. Dangerously catchy too- beware!

House quote of the day: "Now I'm going to use this BLACK marker..." (Foreman, to House).

*Far Side of the Day:

*Urban Dictionary Word of the Day: Cubicle Coma=When you wake up and feel engergized but as soon as you enter the work place, a wave of exhaustion runs over you and you have trouble staying awake for the rest of your work day. Amazingly, once you leave the hellish work atmosphere, you suddenly feel energized and ready to run a marathon.

Psych Fact of the Day: Sytax= the way words are organized to form meaningful sentences.

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