Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Verse of the Day: Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.” Psalm 62:1 NIV

Things that are awesome:  .. Homestarr Runner. ... My first year of college I kept hearing these strange voices coming from my roomates computer and her hysterical giggling while I was trying to read.  At first I didn't get how something called homestarr runner could possibly be so awesome, but then I got bored one night that summer and boom! The amazingness was discovered.  This web cartoon series is hilarious- especially the strong bad emails.  If you need a good laugh, go to Seriously.

Daily Play:

Far Side of the day:

Urban Dictionary Word of the Day: Big in Japan= To say/pretend you are someone of stature somewhere else, meaningless and not verifiable where you currently are.

Psych Fact of the Day: Schitzoid personality disorder: Consistent detachment from others and lack of emotional responsiveness to others. Limited or no friendships. Flat affect.

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