Thursday, August 30, 2012

Verse of the day: "Still, I know that God lives- the One who gives me back my life- and eventually he'll take his stand on earth.....Oh, how I long for that day!" (Job 19:24-27)

Things that are awesome:  Roosters w Afros. Seriously, is there a cooler looking hair style??? I want one!!!

Gospel choirs: Saw one at the state fair today and they were GREAT!!!  I felt right at home even tho I'm a white girl. :)

New experiences:   I sang karoake at the State Fair this year in front of the beer garden crowd. In previous years I wasn't brave enough, but it ended up being tons of fun! I sang two songs and the crowd clapped along, which was great. New tradition for sure!!!

Psych fact of the day: Classical conditioning- teaching a person/animal to do something based on associating two things. (e.g. Teaching dogs to salivate in response to a bell, after showing over and over that the bell is always followed by a treat). 

Verse of the day: "true wisdom and real power belong to God; From him we learn how to live and also what to live for." (Job 12:13)

Things that are awesome:  .....I FINALLY got another copy of this movie after someone jacked my first one. How I missed my Gru, Vector, and Edith! Whoever stole my first one... "box of shame" for you.

Jennifer Hudson: I sang one of her songs at karoake last night "And I am telling you, I'm not going." it was challenging but unloved every minute of it! She is so my girl!!!

Book review:  This book was basically a short letter from Paul to his friend Philemon. One of philemon's servants had run away, ran into Paul, amd had since become a Christian. The servant had decided the right that do would be to return to his master, and Paul is writing to ask Philemon to forgive him, and receive him back not as a rebellious underling, but as a brother in Christ.  It was a really graciously written letter, and I love the challenging picture of forgiveness here. It was a good reminder tonmenof something in need to work on... Being quicker to forgive.  My favorite verse from this was 1:6 "and I keep praying that this faith " and I keep praying that this faith we hold in common keeps showing up in the good things we do, and that people recognize Christ in all of it." .. Thats what I hope too!!!

Psych fact of the day: In the early 1900 s, it was believed that fevers could cure manic patients so some asylums had malarial Mosquitos brought in to induce such fevers.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

 Verse of the day: “Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”” John 6:29 NIV

Things at are awesome: ... Jens soon-to-be new car. We spent a few hours at the dealership yesterday signing papers and whatnot. I'm still not entirely sure how the whole trade in process works. But she's excited and it's so cute!!! (I was the one who talked her into the awesome brown color. My dad says fiats don't have great reliability but Jen swears the new ones do. I hope she's right....

Book review:  .... This is the fourth book in my bible plan and i just finished it. Basically it's the story of the prophet Isaiah, and the message God gave him to deliver to Israel and Judah. God was any with them bc they had started worshipping foreign idols instead of him, so he warns them that he is going to punish them by allowing Assyria and Babylon to conquer and exile them... But he apps tells them that later on he will forgive them and bring them back home .  Some parts of this book kinda dragged for me,  but there are some great passages about Gods love and forgiveness, ESP ch 53, which basically lays put the whole story of Jesus before it ever happened, which is awesome!

Psych fact of the day:  mania: extended periods of increased energy, impulsiveness. Insomnia, and irritability. In patients with bipolar disorder, periods of mania are followed by periods of depression.

Monday, August 27, 2012

verse of the day: “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3 NIV

Monday Rant:  ok so I know theyre "green" and all, but some days I cannot STAND re-usable bags. They are so hard to use, they keep collapsingwhen youre trying to put things in, and honestly sometimes they just plain smell dog. Or whatever rotten food was n their trunk. And what's with the bags w no flat bottom??? ARGHH!!! I cannot wait to go back to school.

Book review:

  So I finally finished this one. It was so good!!! The ending was no surprise (obviously) , but Mitch wine house is a great storyteller, and it was a really easy read. It made me sad, (because Amy was such a slave to drugs and alcohol) but addiction is something at really interests me...what makes people like Amy so vulnerable that is. The one thing that kind of frusterated me was that her dad (Mitch ) kinda just yelled and flapped his hands helplessly e whole time and never really DID anything to help her. I'm a proponent of strict parenting and this guy didn't really parent her AT ALL. Amy had school problems and behavioral issues from early in life and her parents mind of just let her do whatever...and look how the story ended. In my opinion you do whatever it is you have to don't save your kinds from dangerous addictions...even if it means shutting them out for awhile as a motivator for them to get clean... The story could have ended so much differently if Mys parents had done that.  Anyways... Also goes to show that a life of fa,e doesn't really satisfy..Amy still felt like she had to get drunk/high to feel happy. ...what a waste of a talented life.

 This is the third book in my bible reading plan for the year. For those of you who are unfamiliar, it's basically the story of God bringing the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, and what happens in the first few months of their journey through the desert.  Even though I've read this a few times before, (and come on, who HASNT seen Prince of Egypt.) I still learned some new things..picked up some new details this time around. My favorite verse from this book was Exodus 34:7 (yesterday's verse of the day).i also loved seeing how Moses interacted with God, that he could have doubts sometimes (e.g I'm not sure I'm the righInman to lead them out of Egypt...) and God was patient w him. Its nice to know that God understandwhy hints like that.

Psych dfact of the dayin love for a thousand generations" (Exodus 34:7)Verse of the day: "God, God, a God of all mercy and grace, endlessly patient -so much love, so deeply true-loyal in love for a thousand generations" (Exodus 34:7)

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Verse of the day: "God, God, a God of all mercy and grace, endlessly patient -so much love, so deeply true-loyal in love for a thousand generations" (Exodus 34:7)

Thought of the day: I've never been good at saying goodbye. My grandpa in CA is really sick and my aunts are saying he could be gone any day now. He just went back in the hospital tonight, and I'm so scared I'm not going to be able to see him again before.... Its hard for me to even think about it, but then I feel bad bc I should be thinking about him constantly....  Right? I'm not ready to lose him, but I also know he's in a lot of pain... I wish I could know for sure that he knows I love him... Will you pray for him readers? And me too? :(

    Psych fact of the day: DSMIV IV TR= diagnostic statistical manual of mental disorders. Book describing various mental disorders and symptoms that psychologists use to diagnose patients. The IV TR is the latest version.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Verse of the day: "Be patient with each person, attentive to individual needs. And be careful that when you get on each other's nerves you don't snap at each other. Look for the best in each other, and always do your best to bring it out." (1 Thessalonians 4:15)

Things that are awesome: Hilarious t-shirts. My two favorites of the week were...

... spotted at Target.


 ... spotted at the state fair. 

Random thoughts of the day:

1) Logged another driving hour with my mom today. I actually did better than I expected; I only backed over a curb once ha ha. I'm proud of myself. :) 

2). I've been feeling happier since I started reading my Bible again. I'm not sure how to explain exactly but I feel like God is... softening all my hard edges, making me feel more at peace with everything since I started. Almost like I was running from something, and now I"ve finally stopped and can catch my breath... It's crazy how you can feel like you know everything, and when you read it over again, you see so much that you didn't before...

*Psych fact of the day: social learning theory: idea that people learn how to behave, what role they are to play in society from the people around them (siblings, parents, teachers, etc...).

Verse of the Day: “Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” Psalm 119:165 NIV

Things that are awesome: The state fair!! Went yesterday, and in honor of its awesomeness, I've made a list of the best parts.

Best Food: Sweet Martha's cookies... by far.

Best drink: Frappe at the Farmer's Union.

Best moment: There were a lot of great ones, but the absolute best was visiting the MCCL (Minnesota Concerned Citizens for Life- basically a pro-life organization) booth in the grandstand. The women manning the booth (Ronda) was teary because some people had just cussed her out, and we got a chance to encourage her. I asked her if I could pray for her, and she let me do that too, which was awesome! Its so great to be able to meet people who are willing to stand up for what's right, and Psychencourage them along the way. I've been asking God for opportunities to reach out to people, and its so cool the way he answered me with this opportunity!

Favorite animal in the barns: The ducks.. by far. I so want an aflak duck!!

Biggest Smile-Inspiring thing: All the cute kids that performed at the talent show. :)

Psych fact of the day: pre-frontal lobotomy: A procedure performed in the early 1900's in which the frontal lobe was severed from the rest of the brain, in an effort to cure schitzophrenia.  All it really did was create a flat affect in patients.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Verse of the day: "He who did not spare his own Son, but who gave him up for us all-how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" (Romans 8:32)

Scam of the month: so I went to fantastic Sams yesterday to get my hair colored. The sign said 42.99 for overall color, so I signed up amd they began. Well then later on they were like, it's going to be 52.99, and I was like "um what? The sign said..." .... Turns out the sign price ONLY applies to people who only need 1 oz of hair dye to do the job... Which (the stylist confided) , really is only enough for boy-length hair. The sign didnt MENTION any limitations for the pricing.... False advertising? I think yeah.  Beware people!!!

Random thought of the day: So the night before my birthday I decided to write a list of everything I accomplished in my 26th year , bc sometimes it feels like time just flies by in mundane routine and I don't really do anything significant.  I ended up thinking of a lot more than I expected.... Friends I'd made, goals I reached... New things I tried.... It was really encouraging. Everyone should try it!

Psych fact of the day: Abraham Maslow = psychologist famous for his theory that there is a "hierarchy of needs" that each person strives to complete. The lower levels (safety, food/drink) have to met first, then people can move up to seeking belonging/love, aesthetic needs (need for beauty in surroundings, music), and finally, self actualization (fulfilling your destiny/finding purpose and significance in your life). 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Verse of the day: “By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.” Psalm 42:8

Random thought of the day: Turning 27 wasn't as depressing as I thought. :)

Things that are awesome:

*My family (and Aaron, of course): Cat, Aaron, and I ran around during the day, and then the whole fam went to dinner and had GREAT lemon bars at home after. It was so fun! :)

My new Ipad: I can't wait to figure out how to use it!!

*Megamind: Never saw it before. Rented it tonight and watched it for the first time,  Hal is the new love of my life. It WAS totally awkward when she hugged Bernard instead of him.... What a dreamboat. Ahhh...

Psych fact of the day: Peak Experience: Jungian term for an life experience that significantly impacts you.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Verse of the day: "So he became their Savior. In all their troubles, he was troubled, too. He didn't send someone else to help them, He did it himself, in person." (Isaiah 63:5-6).

Random thought of the day: So.. since it's my birthday tomorrow, I thought it'd be fun to do a list of birthday stats.  Here goes. :)

*Best birthday memory: The year I turned 21, and my high school friend Anne showed up while we were at church and put streamers up all over the yard as a surprise.

*Favorite Birthday Gift Ever: My Nook.

*Funniest Birthday story: When I turned 16, I went to Valleyfair with a bunch of friends. We were waiting in line for a ride, and my friend Kristen got bored, grabbed 2 birthday hats and put them on her chest like boobs in front of everyone. She was like "PLEASE... don't touch my cones. I paid a lot of money for these!"

*Favorite Birthday Card. A picture of Moses using his staff to divide a cake into slices. All around him, shepherds were like "you go Mo!!" "Cut me a BIG peice!"

Favorite Birthday Desserts: Scotcheroo bars, and Lemon bars.

*Psych fact of the day: Transferrence: When you treat someone a certain way based on baggage you have with someone else that they remind you of.  (e.g. you treat a certain friend with distrust because another former friend she reminds you of betrayed you.)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Verse of the day: "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Phillipians 1:21

Things that suck: My grandpa (on my dad's side) is really sick.  He's been struggling with ulcerative collitis for awhile now, and though he seemed to be recovering for awhile, now the chemo treatment he's on has left him with a white cell count of 1.  So basically if he gets sick... I can't even finish that sentence. I don't understand what happened, and I don't really even know what to ask God for anymore.  I don't want to lose him, but I feel bad that he's so weak and in so much pain.. Any prayers from readers would be much appreciated.  I would love it if God would heal him completely- I know he's capable!

Psych fact of the day: Bystander effect: The more witnesses there are to an emergency, the less likely any one person is to intervene because either 1) they assume that since no one else is responding it must not be that bad or 2) they assume someone else is going to take care of it.... any second now.

Friday, August 17, 2012


Verse of the day:“But, “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.” 2 Corinthians 10:17-18 NIV

FridayRant: So my best friend Alyssa and I have this sort of rotating library going, where we mail books back and forth.  Well, yesterday I got a letter from the post office with a scrap from one of my packages and a note saying the items in the package were "lost." I looked at the postal date on the scrap and it was from May 14th.. over THREE MONTHS ago.  Couldn't the post office, that mails things out EVERY day have gotten the message to me sooner? And, to top it off, they requested that I "describe the lost items... titles of the books, authors, what the books looked like" so that they might "find" them.  How in the world am I supposed to remember?  Do they assume everyone is a paranoid nutcase who photographs everything they mail before the send it?  Another example of the incompetance of goverment run agencies, ladies and gentlemen.

Things that are awesome:

... Amen, De-motivator friends.:)
*Facing fears: Yesterday, I took a behind the wheel class again... the first one I've done in a long while. Driving scares the crap out of me bc of my blindness in my left eye, but I figured it was time.  It turned out to be really fun, and my teacher was AMAZING.  Lots of practice ahead of me though...
*. Has there ever been a greater show? I mean really.  Hugh Laurie... why did you leave me??
Psych fact of the day: Reaction formation= a defense mechanism where you have an extreme urge to do something inappropriate (e.g. smack your boss) so to counter the anxiety this causes,  you do the opposite (compliment him) instead.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Verse of the Day: "Therefore, since we have these promises dear friends let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God." (2 Cor. 2:1)

Random thought of the day: So I'm in the process of collecting recommendation letters for my grad school applications, and one of them requested an essay... and a 'vitae' from me before he would write me one.  Um.. what the? What in the world is a vitae? I didn't want to sound stupid by asking him, so I've been looking through google images trying to figure it out... I"m not having much luck. Anyone? Bueller?... Bueller?

Things that are awesome:

*Strangers who help you play banannagrams:  So I was at Karoake w/ a group of friennd last night  and my new friend Kate had some OTHER friends of hers join us.  I was playing banannagrams in order to tune out some of the screeching singers before us, and one of them (Jason) started watching me play, and eventually started helping me build words. He smiled at me whenever I got one, which totally made me want to try harder.  It was awesome! Yeah motivation from strangers!! :)

*Getting to sleep in on a weekday... That was me.. this morning. Don't be jealous guys.

*Scotcheroo Bars: Made some of these the other day and they turned out amazing. Yum!!
Recipe for those who are interested:

Psych fact of the day: Collective unconscious: The memories we all supposedly share (in our subconscious) of things that happened in history. (e.g. every culture has a "flood story"). First theorized by Carl Jung.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Verse of the day: ".. kings will shut their mouths because of him. For what they have not heard, they will see. And what they have not been told, they will understand." (Is 52:15)

Wednesday Rant: What's with people looking through their coupons WHILE I'm waiting for them to pay, and there's a line of people waiting behind them, instead of before?  I mean, I know you don't know which ones you're gonna use until youre done shopping, but would it kill them to take 30 seconds and look BEFORE they get in line? Grr!!

Things that are awesome:  Q'Doba:  They not only have pretty good mexican food (though not as good as Chipotle) they have AWESOME wi-fi.  The one in Chaska also has a room off to the side w/ outlets and everything- sometimes I go and buy a soda and watch vidoes if I'm killing time waiting for a friend to get off work.  It's great!!

Karoake: My friends and I go to this bar in Shakopee called Arizona's every week and sing out hearts out.  It's so much fun!! It's on Tues and Wed nights from 9:30-1.  Curious readers within driving distance should join us sometime!
Another awesome T-shirt: <em>T</em>-rex <em>love T Shirt</em>

Psych fact of the day: Basal Ganglian: area of the brain responsible for smooth and coordinated motion. Damage to this area results in jerky/parkinson's like movement.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Random thought of the day: In less than a week (next Mon), I'm going to be 27. Ugh!  "That's getting close to 30," my friend Jenni said. "No!" "Don't say that!" I yelled.  I definetly do NOT feel almost 27... And I love how people in their 40's and up will yell at you if you say you feel old "that's not old!!" they say.  .. As if THEY weren't freaking out when they turned 27 too...

Things that are awesome:  Amy, my daughter.
           Just started reading this last night.  Amy's voice was AWESOME, and it is so stupid that she died so young.. Shows what a life of drugs will get you.  Her dad is a compelling storyteller though. I can already tell I"m going to like it!
*Catching up with old friends:  Got to talk to my best friend from high school (who is now married and lives in Oklahoma) for about 2 hours today.  It had been forever.  Left me feeling warm and fuzzy. :)
*Mustache shaped suckers.  My friend Jen bought molds at Michaels and made a bunch of them today. Check it out!

Monday, August 13, 2012


Monday... ugh.  My brother is starting his cross-country mission trip today, which is super exciting, but when I woke up this morning I was like, really? Already?...

Verse of the day: "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in" (Rev 3:16)

Random thought of the day: So... we're in the process of choosing a new family plan for cell phones. We think we're going to go with sprint, which means my options are either an iphone, a Galaxy S III, or a Photon, which is coming out Aug 19th.  The Photon is the only one with a keyboard, which I've grown to love, having had a Samsung Intercept for so long, BUT my ipod is currently broken, and getting an iphone would be a way of not having to buy a new one. Plus, most people I have asked say that its pretty easy to use..  Thoughts from the peanut gallery??

Things that are awesome:

*meteor showers!  There was supposed to be one tonight, but my friend Jen and I must have gone out too early bc other than a few satellites, and hovering mosquitos, we didn't see much.

# The History of the World According to Facebook.
This book is hilarious (slightly irreverant at times, but still)! It starts at the beginning of time and goes all the way up to 2004, writing historical events as fb posts.  I first saw it at a friends house, but then I saw it again today at Barnes and Noble, nosed through a few more pages. I'm going to order it online a.s.a.p.

Psych Fact of the Day: "Door-in-the-face-phenomenon"- People who have denied a large request ("door in the face") are more likely to say yes to a later small request, than someone who was not asked a bigger favor first. For example, someone who has first said no to donating a large amount of money to a cause, is later more likely to say "yes" to a request for a smaller amount.  In other words, go for big first, people.

Sunday, August 12, 2012



Hey again! I love this whole blogging thing so far, so like Forrest Gump would say "I guess I'll just keep on goin..." I LOVE psychology and I think everyone should know its awesomeness, so I"ll be adding a psych fact of the day to these posts as well. :)

Verse of the Day: "No one who hopes in me ever regrets it." (Is 49:23.)

Book review:

So... I just finished reading this book "Patron Saint of Liars" by Anne Patchet. It was fabulous!  I actually rejected it the first couple times I saw it in bookstores, but finally gave in when I saw it at a thrift shop for $3. One of the best $3 I've ever spent.  Basically it is about this woman who is secretly pregnant and runs away from her husband to seek shelter in a home for unwed mothers... Sounds kinda boring just from that description, but the story gets SO MUCH BIGGER as it gboes along and the characters and character development is awesome! It has great faith themes, plus, the book ends in a way you would not expect, which I love.  Her writing style is captivating. Check it out!!

Random thought of the day: So.. apparently Morgan Freeman thinks he's god now.  In an interview with Fox (, when asked if he believed in God, Freeman responded "Um.. yeah" ".. I paused because I am God." So THAAAT's how egomania gets started... play God in one silly Jim Carey movie...

Read today: Isaiah 46-49, The Swan Thieves.

Psych fact of the day: Amydala= part of the brain responsible for "fight or flight" reactions to danger.  If your amydala gets damaged, these reactions are inhibited. In other words you'll see an angry bull approaching and be like... "uhhh".  Reason #5012 not to put your brain on drugs.

Saturday, August 11, 2012



My brother is currently living in CA, so we chat on the phone about once a week. Today he told me about this whole blogspot thing. "You should get one and then we can follow each other," he said.  He added that it would help me brush up on my writing skills since I've been out of school awhile (I'm currently applying to graduate schools).  So... here goes.  I mostly write in stream-of-consciousness style, so hold on to your hats people! I'll probably just write in categories for now...

Verse of the Day: "I rejoice in following your statues, as one rejoices in great riches."

Random thought of the day: So.. I've noticed customers at Target have this snobbish tendency to reject cans that have tiny dents in them. "Oooh I can't take this one.. it has a dent in it" they say, in the same tone they would use if it was foaming at the mouth.  What gives? You're going to open it anyway... I wanted to put up a sign on my lane that said "bent cans have feelings too," as I whispered my apologies to the rejecteds like a crazy person.  This is all your fault dad, for teaching us to anthropomorphize everything.

I posted the sign thing as my status on facebook, and one of my friends was like.. "ooh you can get botulims from cans like that bc of the bacteria they can let in." REALLY? Like what are the chances? "Only if the dent is on a seam," my mom said. :P

Favorite t-shirt spotted on a customer:  "You're just jealous that the voices are speaking to ME..."  Seriously.. I want that shirt.

Currently reading: Isaiah and Mark. I'm about halfway through both.. Isaiah's a little slow, but then there are some awesome parts too. (e.g."Who marches the army of stars out each night, counts then all by name... so magnificent, so powerful- and never overlooks a single one?" Is 40:26). In other words.. "Who's your Abba?" :)

God is developing my: Patience, because people annoy me.

Caio for now..