Friday, August 17, 2012


Verse of the day:“But, “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.” 2 Corinthians 10:17-18 NIV

FridayRant: So my best friend Alyssa and I have this sort of rotating library going, where we mail books back and forth.  Well, yesterday I got a letter from the post office with a scrap from one of my packages and a note saying the items in the package were "lost." I looked at the postal date on the scrap and it was from May 14th.. over THREE MONTHS ago.  Couldn't the post office, that mails things out EVERY day have gotten the message to me sooner? And, to top it off, they requested that I "describe the lost items... titles of the books, authors, what the books looked like" so that they might "find" them.  How in the world am I supposed to remember?  Do they assume everyone is a paranoid nutcase who photographs everything they mail before the send it?  Another example of the incompetance of goverment run agencies, ladies and gentlemen.

Things that are awesome:

... Amen, De-motivator friends.:)
*Facing fears: Yesterday, I took a behind the wheel class again... the first one I've done in a long while. Driving scares the crap out of me bc of my blindness in my left eye, but I figured it was time.  It turned out to be really fun, and my teacher was AMAZING.  Lots of practice ahead of me though...
*. Has there ever been a greater show? I mean really.  Hugh Laurie... why did you leave me??
Psych fact of the day: Reaction formation= a defense mechanism where you have an extreme urge to do something inappropriate (e.g. smack your boss) so to counter the anxiety this causes,  you do the opposite (compliment him) instead.

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