Saturday, August 25, 2012


Verse of the Day: “Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” Psalm 119:165 NIV

Things that are awesome: The state fair!! Went yesterday, and in honor of its awesomeness, I've made a list of the best parts.

Best Food: Sweet Martha's cookies... by far.

Best drink: Frappe at the Farmer's Union.

Best moment: There were a lot of great ones, but the absolute best was visiting the MCCL (Minnesota Concerned Citizens for Life- basically a pro-life organization) booth in the grandstand. The women manning the booth (Ronda) was teary because some people had just cussed her out, and we got a chance to encourage her. I asked her if I could pray for her, and she let me do that too, which was awesome! Its so great to be able to meet people who are willing to stand up for what's right, and Psychencourage them along the way. I've been asking God for opportunities to reach out to people, and its so cool the way he answered me with this opportunity!

Favorite animal in the barns: The ducks.. by far. I so want an aflak duck!!

Biggest Smile-Inspiring thing: All the cute kids that performed at the talent show. :)

Psych fact of the day: pre-frontal lobotomy: A procedure performed in the early 1900's in which the frontal lobe was severed from the rest of the brain, in an effort to cure schitzophrenia.  All it really did was create a flat affect in patients.

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