Sunday, August 12, 2012



Hey again! I love this whole blogging thing so far, so like Forrest Gump would say "I guess I'll just keep on goin..." I LOVE psychology and I think everyone should know its awesomeness, so I"ll be adding a psych fact of the day to these posts as well. :)

Verse of the Day: "No one who hopes in me ever regrets it." (Is 49:23.)

Book review:

So... I just finished reading this book "Patron Saint of Liars" by Anne Patchet. It was fabulous!  I actually rejected it the first couple times I saw it in bookstores, but finally gave in when I saw it at a thrift shop for $3. One of the best $3 I've ever spent.  Basically it is about this woman who is secretly pregnant and runs away from her husband to seek shelter in a home for unwed mothers... Sounds kinda boring just from that description, but the story gets SO MUCH BIGGER as it gboes along and the characters and character development is awesome! It has great faith themes, plus, the book ends in a way you would not expect, which I love.  Her writing style is captivating. Check it out!!

Random thought of the day: So.. apparently Morgan Freeman thinks he's god now.  In an interview with Fox (, when asked if he believed in God, Freeman responded "Um.. yeah" ".. I paused because I am God." So THAAAT's how egomania gets started... play God in one silly Jim Carey movie...

Read today: Isaiah 46-49, The Swan Thieves.

Psych fact of the day: Amydala= part of the brain responsible for "fight or flight" reactions to danger.  If your amydala gets damaged, these reactions are inhibited. In other words you'll see an angry bull approaching and be like... "uhhh".  Reason #5012 not to put your brain on drugs.

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