Monday, August 13, 2012


Monday... ugh.  My brother is starting his cross-country mission trip today, which is super exciting, but when I woke up this morning I was like, really? Already?...

Verse of the day: "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in" (Rev 3:16)

Random thought of the day: So... we're in the process of choosing a new family plan for cell phones. We think we're going to go with sprint, which means my options are either an iphone, a Galaxy S III, or a Photon, which is coming out Aug 19th.  The Photon is the only one with a keyboard, which I've grown to love, having had a Samsung Intercept for so long, BUT my ipod is currently broken, and getting an iphone would be a way of not having to buy a new one. Plus, most people I have asked say that its pretty easy to use..  Thoughts from the peanut gallery??

Things that are awesome:

*meteor showers!  There was supposed to be one tonight, but my friend Jen and I must have gone out too early bc other than a few satellites, and hovering mosquitos, we didn't see much.

# The History of the World According to Facebook.
This book is hilarious (slightly irreverant at times, but still)! It starts at the beginning of time and goes all the way up to 2004, writing historical events as fb posts.  I first saw it at a friends house, but then I saw it again today at Barnes and Noble, nosed through a few more pages. I'm going to order it online a.s.a.p.

Psych Fact of the Day: "Door-in-the-face-phenomenon"- People who have denied a large request ("door in the face") are more likely to say yes to a later small request, than someone who was not asked a bigger favor first. For example, someone who has first said no to donating a large amount of money to a cause, is later more likely to say "yes" to a request for a smaller amount.  In other words, go for big first, people.

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