Thursday, August 30, 2012


Verse of the day: "true wisdom and real power belong to God; From him we learn how to live and also what to live for." (Job 12:13)

Things that are awesome:  .....I FINALLY got another copy of this movie after someone jacked my first one. How I missed my Gru, Vector, and Edith! Whoever stole my first one... "box of shame" for you.

Jennifer Hudson: I sang one of her songs at karoake last night "And I am telling you, I'm not going." it was challenging but unloved every minute of it! She is so my girl!!!

Book review:  This book was basically a short letter from Paul to his friend Philemon. One of philemon's servants had run away, ran into Paul, amd had since become a Christian. The servant had decided the right that do would be to return to his master, and Paul is writing to ask Philemon to forgive him, and receive him back not as a rebellious underling, but as a brother in Christ.  It was a really graciously written letter, and I love the challenging picture of forgiveness here. It was a good reminder tonmenof something in need to work on... Being quicker to forgive.  My favorite verse from this was 1:6 "and I keep praying that this faith " and I keep praying that this faith we hold in common keeps showing up in the good things we do, and that people recognize Christ in all of it." .. Thats what I hope too!!!

Psych fact of the day: In the early 1900 s, it was believed that fevers could cure manic patients so some asylums had malarial Mosquitos brought in to induce such fevers.

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