Thursday, August 16, 2012


Verse of the Day: "Therefore, since we have these promises dear friends let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God." (2 Cor. 2:1)

Random thought of the day: So I'm in the process of collecting recommendation letters for my grad school applications, and one of them requested an essay... and a 'vitae' from me before he would write me one.  Um.. what the? What in the world is a vitae? I didn't want to sound stupid by asking him, so I've been looking through google images trying to figure it out... I"m not having much luck. Anyone? Bueller?... Bueller?

Things that are awesome:

*Strangers who help you play banannagrams:  So I was at Karoake w/ a group of friennd last night  and my new friend Kate had some OTHER friends of hers join us.  I was playing banannagrams in order to tune out some of the screeching singers before us, and one of them (Jason) started watching me play, and eventually started helping me build words. He smiled at me whenever I got one, which totally made me want to try harder.  It was awesome! Yeah motivation from strangers!! :)

*Getting to sleep in on a weekday... That was me.. this morning. Don't be jealous guys.

*Scotcheroo Bars: Made some of these the other day and they turned out amazing. Yum!!
Recipe for those who are interested:

Psych fact of the day: Collective unconscious: The memories we all supposedly share (in our subconscious) of things that happened in history. (e.g. every culture has a "flood story"). First theorized by Carl Jung.

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