Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Verse of the day: ".. kings will shut their mouths because of him. For what they have not heard, they will see. And what they have not been told, they will understand." (Is 52:15)

Wednesday Rant: What's with people looking through their coupons WHILE I'm waiting for them to pay, and there's a line of people waiting behind them, instead of before?  I mean, I know you don't know which ones you're gonna use until youre done shopping, but would it kill them to take 30 seconds and look BEFORE they get in line? Grr!!

Things that are awesome:  Q'Doba:  They not only have pretty good mexican food (though not as good as Chipotle) they have AWESOME wi-fi.  The one in Chaska also has a room off to the side w/ outlets and everything- sometimes I go and buy a soda and watch vidoes if I'm killing time waiting for a friend to get off work.  It's great!!

Karoake: My friends and I go to this bar in Shakopee called Arizona's every week and sing out hearts out.  It's so much fun!! It's on Tues and Wed nights from 9:30-1.  Curious readers within driving distance should join us sometime!
Another awesome T-shirt: <em>T</em>-rex <em>love T Shirt</em>

Psych fact of the day: Basal Ganglian: area of the brain responsible for smooth and coordinated motion. Damage to this area results in jerky/parkinson's like movement.

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