Saturday, August 11, 2012



My brother is currently living in CA, so we chat on the phone about once a week. Today he told me about this whole blogspot thing. "You should get one and then we can follow each other," he said.  He added that it would help me brush up on my writing skills since I've been out of school awhile (I'm currently applying to graduate schools).  So... here goes.  I mostly write in stream-of-consciousness style, so hold on to your hats people! I'll probably just write in categories for now...

Verse of the Day: "I rejoice in following your statues, as one rejoices in great riches."

Random thought of the day: So.. I've noticed customers at Target have this snobbish tendency to reject cans that have tiny dents in them. "Oooh I can't take this one.. it has a dent in it" they say, in the same tone they would use if it was foaming at the mouth.  What gives? You're going to open it anyway... I wanted to put up a sign on my lane that said "bent cans have feelings too," as I whispered my apologies to the rejecteds like a crazy person.  This is all your fault dad, for teaching us to anthropomorphize everything.

I posted the sign thing as my status on facebook, and one of my friends was like.. "ooh you can get botulims from cans like that bc of the bacteria they can let in." REALLY? Like what are the chances? "Only if the dent is on a seam," my mom said. :P

Favorite t-shirt spotted on a customer:  "You're just jealous that the voices are speaking to ME..."  Seriously.. I want that shirt.

Currently reading: Isaiah and Mark. I'm about halfway through both.. Isaiah's a little slow, but then there are some awesome parts too. (e.g."Who marches the army of stars out each night, counts then all by name... so magnificent, so powerful- and never overlooks a single one?" Is 40:26). In other words.. "Who's your Abba?" :)

God is developing my: Patience, because people annoy me.

Caio for now..


  1. Like it! I want a "Who's your Abba?" shirt.

  2. ^^ I want one too!
    Sarah, this was fun to read. :)

    1. Aww, thanks hon! What's your blog address? I wanna follow yours too!
