Thursday, August 30, 2012

Verse of the day: "Still, I know that God lives- the One who gives me back my life- and eventually he'll take his stand on earth.....Oh, how I long for that day!" (Job 19:24-27)

Things that are awesome:  Roosters w Afros. Seriously, is there a cooler looking hair style??? I want one!!!

Gospel choirs: Saw one at the state fair today and they were GREAT!!!  I felt right at home even tho I'm a white girl. :)

New experiences:   I sang karoake at the State Fair this year in front of the beer garden crowd. In previous years I wasn't brave enough, but it ended up being tons of fun! I sang two songs and the crowd clapped along, which was great. New tradition for sure!!!

Psych fact of the day: Classical conditioning- teaching a person/animal to do something based on associating two things. (e.g. Teaching dogs to salivate in response to a bell, after showing over and over that the bell is always followed by a treat). 

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