Monday, August 27, 2012

verse of the day: “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3 NIV

Monday Rant:  ok so I know theyre "green" and all, but some days I cannot STAND re-usable bags. They are so hard to use, they keep collapsingwhen youre trying to put things in, and honestly sometimes they just plain smell dog. Or whatever rotten food was n their trunk. And what's with the bags w no flat bottom??? ARGHH!!! I cannot wait to go back to school.

Book review:

  So I finally finished this one. It was so good!!! The ending was no surprise (obviously) , but Mitch wine house is a great storyteller, and it was a really easy read. It made me sad, (because Amy was such a slave to drugs and alcohol) but addiction is something at really interests me...what makes people like Amy so vulnerable that is. The one thing that kind of frusterated me was that her dad (Mitch ) kinda just yelled and flapped his hands helplessly e whole time and never really DID anything to help her. I'm a proponent of strict parenting and this guy didn't really parent her AT ALL. Amy had school problems and behavioral issues from early in life and her parents mind of just let her do whatever...and look how the story ended. In my opinion you do whatever it is you have to don't save your kinds from dangerous addictions...even if it means shutting them out for awhile as a motivator for them to get clean... The story could have ended so much differently if Mys parents had done that.  Anyways... Also goes to show that a life of fa,e doesn't really satisfy..Amy still felt like she had to get drunk/high to feel happy. ...what a waste of a talented life.

 This is the third book in my bible reading plan for the year. For those of you who are unfamiliar, it's basically the story of God bringing the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, and what happens in the first few months of their journey through the desert.  Even though I've read this a few times before, (and come on, who HASNT seen Prince of Egypt.) I still learned some new things..picked up some new details this time around. My favorite verse from this book was Exodus 34:7 (yesterday's verse of the day).i also loved seeing how Moses interacted with God, that he could have doubts sometimes (e.g I'm not sure I'm the righInman to lead them out of Egypt...) and God was patient w him. Its nice to know that God understandwhy hints like that.

Psych dfact of the dayin love for a thousand generations" (Exodus 34:7)Verse of the day: "God, God, a God of all mercy and grace, endlessly patient -so much love, so deeply true-loyal in love for a thousand generations" (Exodus 34:7)

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