Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Verse of the day: "He who did not spare his own Son, but who gave him up for us all-how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" (Romans 8:32)

Scam of the month: so I went to fantastic Sams yesterday to get my hair colored. The sign said 42.99 for overall color, so I signed up amd they began. Well then later on they were like, it's going to be 52.99, and I was like "um what? The sign said..." .... Turns out the sign price ONLY applies to people who only need 1 oz of hair dye to do the job... Which (the stylist confided) , really is only enough for boy-length hair. The sign didnt MENTION any limitations for the pricing.... False advertising? I think yeah.  Beware people!!!

Random thought of the day: So the night before my birthday I decided to write a list of everything I accomplished in my 26th year , bc sometimes it feels like time just flies by in mundane routine and I don't really do anything significant.  I ended up thinking of a lot more than I expected.... Friends I'd made, goals I reached... New things I tried.... It was really encouraging. Everyone should try it!

Psych fact of the day: Abraham Maslow = psychologist famous for his theory that there is a "hierarchy of needs" that each person strives to complete. The lower levels (safety, food/drink) have to met first, then people can move up to seeking belonging/love, aesthetic needs (need for beauty in surroundings, music), and finally, self actualization (fulfilling your destiny/finding purpose and significance in your life). 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you called to complain about that false advertising!
