Tuesday, August 28, 2012

 Verse of the day: “Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”” John 6:29 NIV

Things at are awesome: ... Jens soon-to-be new car. We spent a few hours at the dealership yesterday signing papers and whatnot. I'm still not entirely sure how the whole trade in process works. But she's excited and it's so cute!!! (I was the one who talked her into the awesome brown color. My dad says fiats don't have great reliability but Jen swears the new ones do. I hope she's right....

Book review:  .... This is the fourth book in my bible plan and i just finished it. Basically it's the story of the prophet Isaiah, and the message God gave him to deliver to Israel and Judah. God was any with them bc they had started worshipping foreign idols instead of him, so he warns them that he is going to punish them by allowing Assyria and Babylon to conquer and exile them... But he apps tells them that later on he will forgive them and bring them back home .  Some parts of this book kinda dragged for me,  but there are some great passages about Gods love and forgiveness, ESP ch 53, which basically lays put the whole story of Jesus before it ever happened, which is awesome!

Psych fact of the day:  mania: extended periods of increased energy, impulsiveness. Insomnia, and irritability. In patients with bipolar disorder, periods of mania are followed by periods of depression.

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