Saturday, September 1, 2012


Verse of the day: "And  don't be wishing  you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is Gods place for you. Live and believe and love right there." (1 Cor 7:17)

Things that are awesome:

-Roadtrips w fun ppl: Hopi, Al-pal, Keute and I played the celebrity name game for hours.. Plus a certain someone peed in a cup in a moment of desperation....  Always an adventure.

- Sanctus Real  Last act we saw tonight. I didn't think I knew any of their songs but I actually did, and even the ones I didn't were great! Rock usu isn't my the but they had a good melody so... I approve,

Random thought of the day: I want to learn to be content with whatever life situation God puts me in, whether it's married or single, a few friends or a lot of friends, well paying job or not so much. I'm a long way away from it right now, but I know if I get there, there's a lot of peace on the other side so it'd be worth the journey.

Psych fact of the day: Of all existing medical disorders, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate.  4 percent of anorexics, and 3.9 percent of bulimics eventually die from them. 

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