Sunday, September 2, 2012


Verse of the day: “The earth is filled with your love, LORD; teach me your decrees.” Psalm 119:64 NIV

Random thought of the day: I wonder if it's weird for guys to play in a band that's fronted by a girl lead singer. I mean, I know the worlds all progressive now or whatever, but still... As I was watching Mandisa perform tonight, I found myself wondering if the male drummer and guitarists ever felt subconscious about taking the backseat and playing "girl musc."

Things that are awesome:

-Mandisa ....Great gospel voice and a very authentic testimony. I want to be her background singer sooooo bad!!

....I'd heard this bands name before but that's about it.  Wasn't super excited like my friends, bc inusu don't like rock music but...ah!!! They were great! The show was super entertaining to watch, I loved all of the songs and... Let's just say its love. I even bought a t-shirt after, which I will proudly be sporting at karoake next week and all day tomorrow at Lifelight too. Now to download more of their songs on my iPod...

--My new purity ring, which I've been wanting to find forever...

-Leaving friend-drama back home behind to get away for the weekend... Enough said.

Psych fact of the Day:  the 3rd leading cause of death in 15-24 year olds is suicide.

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