Monday, September 10, 2012

Verse of the day: "Even to you old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. " (Is 46:4)

Petty grievances w Sarah: so I got to the bottom of my box of cereal today and JUST wanted to not waste the good stuff when I got the STUPID powdery crap in my bowl. It screws up the milk, makes your teeth all scummy. WHY?

Book review:  Got this book from my best friend Alyssa. Basically the story of a woman who is abducted and held captive in the mountains for a year before she finally escapes. The plot moves really fast and I love the way it's written in the form of sessions with the woman's therapist. Anyone who loves suspense would enjoy this.

Things that are awesome:  Rotating libraries. My best fiend Alyssa and I both love books, so about a year ago we decided to start exchanging them back and forth so we could each share our favorites. Every few weeks we send each other car packages of books, and then we talk about them afterward. It's a great way to keep in touch ( she lives in Rochester) AND we each get double the reading pleasure for half the money! Any bookwormy friends out there, feel free to copy us. 

Psych fact of the day: hoarding: collecting massive amounts of things (valuable or invaluable) to he point where it is detrimental to functional living. A behavior often associated with other mental disorders such as OCD.

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