Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Verse of the day: "And don't hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort." (1 Cor 15:58)

Book Review: I've read this book many times. When I was struggling with depression a few years back, I couldn't really take all the sadness it held, but now that I"m in a better place, I was able to appreicate again.  Basically its the story of a man who is very good, and when God tells Satan this, Satan challenges God that Job is only good because God blesses him.  God responds by allowing Satan to test Job... to strip him of all his posessions, children, and his health. The rest of the book is a conversation between Job and his friends, where Job's friends insist that he must have done something wrong, and Job insists that he hasn't, and demands and audience with God, so God can explain to him why he did all this. Eventually God shows up, confronts Job, with the rather difficult fact that He is God and He can do whatever He wants, and no one is smart enough to question his judgement.  In the end, Job apologizes for challenging God, and God restores everythign he had, and gives him 10 new children. ... The moral of the story is basically that life isn't fair... that suffering isn't always the result of doing evil, that bad things sometimes happen to good people. Believers like Job just have to wrestle through it, and trust that God has an overall plan in everything.  As someone who has experienced suffering (I lost vision in my left eye at age 11, and I've had a history of depression), this book is very meaningful to me, and new things stand out to me each time I read it.  Any readers who struggle with the 'why do bad things happen to good people?' question, would appreciate this book.

Things that are awesome:

Men that can do justice to Brian Mcknight songs.... So I was at Karoake last night with Jen and Paul, and this black guy went up and started singing "Back at One" which is my favorite love song EVER.. and from the first note I was captivated. I even went up the tables at the front to watch him sing, like a dork.  He was just SO GOOD-ARGHH!! I shook his hand and told him he did a great job.  I SO need to marry a man who can sing!!!

*People with funny pets.    ... I was watching the second episode of The Voice, and all of a sudden there was an interview with Cee-Lo and he had a PINK PARROT on his shoulder. I burst out laughing when I saw it.. This big black man with a little pink bird. It was awesome!!

*Psych fact of the day: Delusions of Reference: One of the several types of delusions associated with schitzophrenia; the feeling that other people are all talking about you.

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