Saturday, September 29, 2012

Verse of the Day: "Glory and strength to Christ, who loves us, who blood-washed our sins from our lives...Riding the clouds, he'll be seen by every eye, those who mocked and killed him, people from all nations and all times." (Rev 1:5-7)

Book Review:  ... As the picture indicates, this book forwas basically a listing of all the different sacrifices and laws God laid out for the Israelites when they were preparing to move into the Promised Land.  Even though the majority of these laws don't apply anymore because a new Covenant came to us through Christ in the New Testament, reading this book didn't turn out to be as droll as I expected.  Even though there were parts of it that were definetly less  than interesting, God did teach me some neat things through it.  One of the most important things I picked up on this time through was all the emphasis that was placed on reverance/respect for God. Over and over He commands the Israelites to do what he is asking because "He is God"... reminding them of His position of power, and their need to respect it.  (e.g. "Be holy because I, God your God, am holy." 19:1, "Live a holy life, because I am God, your God. Do what I tell you; live the way I tell you" 20:7-8,  "Don't desecrate my holy name, I insist on being treated with reverance... I am God" 21:32).  It occured to me that I often don't treat God with as much reverance as I should.. I chuck my Bible in my purse so the pages get bent... I talk about silly things in His Church before service starts instead of preparing myself for worship.... I think sometimes we forget how big and powerful He is because we don't see and hear Him out loud as much as people in the Bible did... This book was a great reminder to me of what an AWESOME God I serve.

Things that are awesome: ... Book shopping.  I am a nerd and I don't care who knows it- I love books!!!  Alyssa and I went to Barnes & Noble and Half-Price books today to find new ones for our collections-we both fly through them like no tomorrow! The great thing is that we share our books with each other, sending them back and forth (she lives in Rochester... was here visiting this weekend), so we each get twice as many to read! We like a lot of the same types of books, which works well, AND we occasionally introduce each other to new genres and authors, which is great too. :) Yay books and friends!!

Far Side of the Day:

Urban Dictionary Word of the Day: Bro-Sama Bin Laden= A best friend that you never see. He's always hiding or just at home.

Psych Dictionary: Gain-Loss principle= Opinions towards you that change (e.g. someone who didn't like you but now does, or someone who did like you but now doesn't) have more of an impact than opinions that remain constant.


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