Friday, September 14, 2012


Verse of the Day:  "The ways of the right-living glow with light; the longer they live, the brighter they shine." (Proverbs 4:18)

Things that are awesome:

 Northwestern College Professors.  I am in the process of applying to graduate schools, so I contacted one of my old psych professors/advisors from Northwestern, and asked for a recommendation, and if I could meet with him to talk about my plans.  I figured he could give me some good advice, and he gave me way more than I was hoping for! He sat with me for an hour and a half on a Friday afternoon, helping me answer all sort of questions I had about different programs, and schools.. I feel so much better informed than I did before.  He even prayed for me at the end!  How many professors would go to that much trouble for an alumni? ... Not many.  Top notch.

<em>October Baby</em> (Blu-ray) (Widescreen)Same storyline as the book (see earlier blog post), but obviously an abridged film version. For a film adaptation, it was better than most in my opinion. I found it at Walmart for $13, buy it if you can readers- it will totally be worth the money!!

Urban Dictionary word of the day: Auto-Incorrect: When the auto-correct feature on your iPod Touch or iPhone tries to correct your spelling, but instead changes it to words that just dont make sense with what you're typing. ( i.e. JR: Hey what time should i come?
Victor: I dont know... Are you busty all evening?



Psych fact of the day: 27% of all homeless people have some sort of mental illness.

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