Thursday, September 13, 2012


Verse of the day: "Finally, all of you, be sympathetic, love one another! Be compassionate and humble." (1 Peter 3:8)

Random thought of the day: I absolutely LOVE fall. It is my favorite season by far. All the pretty leaves changing, and a relief from the summer heat. Everyday I just want to sit outside for hours and read, amd I enjoy my bike rides to work too!. I hate being inside under artificial lighting all day. In the perfect world, they would have a checklane that could be rolled outside so I could ring up customers in the sunshine!!!

Things that are awesome: Scarves!! One of the best things about fall arriving as that I get to pull out my collection again. Boys prob won't understand this, but scarves are great because they can brighten up any outfit AND if you wear them right, they feel real warm and cozy around the neck... .a little like getting a hug all day! My sister amd I both have a ton... I think she's winning now tho (darn it!)

The Voice & the X factor.  Both started up again this month.. These shows are both singing competitions that audition thousands from all over the U.S amd then choose a select group to compete against each other for a cash prize amd a record contract. Some of the details are slightly different in each show (I.e in the voice each contestant gets to CHOOSE their judge for the show, and in the X factor they automatically have all 4), but the basic concept is the same. This past summer I tried out for the voice w a couple friends, and my cousin tried out for X factor. None of us made it all the way, but it was still super fun. My auditioning friend and I are watching the Voice in order to strategize for next year. Look out judges! :). Anyways, anyone who loves to sing or just loves music in general would enjoy these shows. If you've missed them so far you can catch up on ;)

Psych fact of the day: stranger anxiety = fear of unfamiliar faces. A stage that children got through starting at about 12 months, followed immediately by separation anxiety (fear of being separated from parents) at age 2. Between ages 3-5, most children progress past both. 

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