Sunday, September 23, 2012


Verse of the day:“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Romans 5:3-4 NIV

Things that are awesome:  Although not the most Biblical concept ever (we're supposed to leave revenge up to God) I couldn't help but be captivated by this show... partly because it shows both the good AND bad sides of revenge. Basically, the show is about a girl who loses her dad to prison after he is falsely charged of a crime, who then grows up and decides to change her name, go back to her old town, and go after all the people who conspired against him.  The first season is a complex web of current events and flashbacks, leading to a dramatic season finale.  The next season starts a week from now- I'm so excited! The first season is on sale in stores now, so catch up if you can. :)

 Poetry writing.  I've been writing off and on since high school, but a poetry class in college helped develop my skills a ton.  I haven't written in awhile, but last night I got inspired, and it was awesome! I mostly write free-verse, and I love the way that this type of poetry writing helps me express things I wouldn't be able to with just regular writing... sometimes I"M even suprised by what comes out of it.  I don't usually share my poems, because they are very personal... I would encouarge anyone who loves writing to give it a try though! Its fun!

Far Side of the day:
Urban dictionary word of the day: Awkward Turtle=During an awkward moment, this hand gesture is used to mark the situation as awkward, and, depending on the situation, makes it more awkward or clears the air. The awkward turtle is made by putting one hand on top of the other with the thumbs sticking outward and rotating forward. The speed of the rotating thumbs depends on the degree of awkwardness.
Boy- "I love you."
Girl- "Um...that's cool..."

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