Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Nothing clever, nothing conceived, nothing contrived can get the better of God." (Proverbs 21:30)

Book Review:  .. Just finished this one. Basically a letter from the apostle Paul to the church that he had planted earlier in Corinth.  It covers a variety of topics, the most famous being what real love is (ch 13) that always gets read at weddings, but also about remaining humble and respecting one another, how to continue growing in the faith, and some guidance on choosing a married life vs a life of singleness. He also explains the communion part of the church service, and what it means, different spiritual gifts people can have, etc... Things that stand out to me change every time I read it, but one of my favorite verses this time around was in the chapter about singleness vs. marriage; it said "And don't be wishing you were somewhere else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God's place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there." A good reminder for me.

Things that are awesome: The Far Side.  I was doing some file/bookshelf cleaning this weekend, and I came across my old Far Side weekly calendars.  All the old comics never fail to make me smile. :)

 GREAT Jazzy/soul feel to this one- Just discovered/fell in love with it this week. Totes singing it at Karoake this Tues. Check it out!

Urban Dictionary Word of the Day: adverblasting=When a commercials audio is much louder than the program that you actually want to watch's audio.
Psych Fact of the Day: Werneke's area: Part of the brain that helps you understand what words mean. Damage to this area leads to inability to understand people when they are talking to you... because you can't interpret the words they are speaking into actual meaning.

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