Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Verse of the Day: “My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.” 1 John 2:1 NIV

Things that are awesome:  This one pretty much goes without saying, but seriously this place saves my BUTT everyday... We have one at target and this magical cup of two shots espresso saves me from having narcaleptic fits everytime there's a lull. Yay coffee!!

 The guidance counselor in Awkward... I just started watching the show after hearing about it from my masseuse last weekend (can you say RANDOM??), and as scandalous as it can sometimes be, I can't help but love it just for this character.  She is so socially insensitive, awkward, and just HILARIOUS.  I wish my guidance counselor in high school had been like that... probably would have helped a lot of people take themselves less seriously.. :)

Daily Play:


Far Side of the Day:

Urban Dictionary Word of the Day: Balls out=To exude tremendous effort, to try extremely hard.

(I decided to slack off and get a B in the class, but Ross went balls out and got a 100%)
Psych fact of the day: Learned helplessness: a phenomenon first proven in an experiment with dogs; in the experiment dogs were placed on a floor that continously shocked them.. initially there were huge walls all around it so when they tried to jump over and off the floor, there was no escape.  Later on, the walls were lowered so that they could have jumped over if they wanted to... but they didn't even try. They had LEARNED helplessness, and carried that over into a new situation, even though they weren't really helpless anymore! This same sad phenomenon has been witnessed in humans as well.

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