Sunday, September 30, 2012

Verse of the day: "I'm on my way. I'll be there soon. Keep a tight grip on what you have so no one distracts you and steals your crown." (Rev 3:11)

Book Review:  I finished this book at the same time as Leviticus, since my plan had me reading both at the same time. It is not known who exactly wrote this book, but it was a letter written to Jewish believers. This book emphasized and explained the trasnfer between the old covenant (sacrificing of animals in the New Testament to atone for sin) to the New Covenant (one sacrifice for all people for all time- Christ)... It talked about all the Jewish people in the "hall of faith" who demonstrated this new "faith-based" covenant with God, even before Christ came, and encouraged these new Jewish converts to "keep their eyes fixed on Jesus" and not be discouraged by the current persecution, but to continue growing in the faith. I really enjoyed this book, mostly because a lot of the old covenant/new covenant comparisons held a lot more meaning for me this time around. I think it helped that I was reading Leviticus (old covenant stuff) at the same time as I was reading this Hebraic explanation of the new covenant. Made me grafeful for the relationship I have with Christ, and the forgiveness he offers for all my black marks! :)

Things that are awesome:

*Learning how to cook new things.  Since I'm living at home right now, mom, dad and I take turns cooking meals for each other... Tonight I tried a new recipe for a tortilla casserole, and it turned out great! I don't have a ton of cooking experience, but if felt good to take on the challenge!

Far Side of the Day:

Urban dictionary word of the Day: brain-spin=The inability to sleep because of your mind fixating on a thought.

Psych Fact of the Day: Dorothea Dix=famous advocate for the rights of the mentally ill in the U.S. in the 1800's.

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